With German Shepherds, they have this innate ability to work. It's exciting to see their willingness and fulfilment of performing the task at hand awhile having fun. The below four sections highlights the sports where Colbyhaus Shepherds have performed and are still performing in: Rally, Herding, Fast CAT & Conformation.
This is a set course of 10-20 different signs where you & your dog navigate through, while you’re steering the dog on your left-hand side. Course is timed and scored, but the goal is fun and a clear sense of teamwork between dog and handler.
Colbyhaus' Journey To Zambia RN PT CGC
RN (Rally Novice)
Number Different Judges 3
Number Qualifying Scores 3
Brown Hill's Best For Last RN
RN (Rally Novice)
Number Different Judges 3
Number Qualifying Scores 3
Future Colbyhaus dog participants
DAE CH Colbyhaus Pantagonia Diplomat BCAT TC
IntCHÂ Colbyhaus Destiny is Calling

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Competing in herding trials bring out the natural traits of herding breeds like the German Shepherd Dog. The GSD’s versatility is demonstrated in this arena and highlights how much work drive they truly have inherently.
Colbyhaus' Christmas River
Instinct Tested
Number Qualifying Scores 2
Number Different Judges 2
IntCH Colbyhaus Destiny is Calling
Instinct Tested
Number Qualifying Scores 2
Number Different Judges 2
Colbyhaus' Journey To Zambia RN PT CGC
PT - (Pre-Trial Tested)
Number Qualifying Scores 3
Number Different Judges 3
Instinct Tested
Number Qualifying Scores 2
Number Different Judges 2
GCh ColbyHaus' Dancin' In The Willows ROM
Instinct Tested
Number Qualifying Scores 2
Number Different Judges 2
ColbyHaus' Rise From The Ashes
Instinct Tested
Number Qualifying Scores 2
Number Different Judges 2
Colbyhaus' Hearts Desire
Instinct Tested
Number Qualifying Scores 2
Number Different Judges 2
Fast CAT
Fast CAT sport measures how fast your dog runs within a 100-yard dash by using your dog's natural prey drive to chase. A lure is used to encourage engagement.
Points achieved are awarded the following titles: BCAT = 150 Points; DCAT = 500 points; FCAT = 1,000 points; and FCAT followed by a number (e.g. FCAT2) for every additional 500 points

Colbyhaus' Christmas River
BCAT Points 116.49
IntCH/NatCh Colbyhaus Destiny Is Calling BCAT
BCAT Points 163.98
DCAT Points 184.52
DAE CH Colbyhaus Pantagonia Diplomat BCAT TC
BCAT Points 167.47
DCAT Points 209.49
Future Colbyhaus dog participants
Sel Ex GCH CH / Can CH* ColbyHaus Twas The Night Before Christmas TC
Ch Colbyhaus Mardan's Dirty Dancing Gsdstyle

The competition for an entered dog is between the Breed Standard and not the other dogs in the ring. Competition starts at the dog’s own breed level (i.e. German Shepherd Dogs) then to their assign Dog Group (i.e. Herding Group) and ends with Best in Show; competing against the best of the best awhile still competing against their Breed Standard. Dog Conformation is America’s second longest running sport, second to the Kentucky Debry, going as far back to the late 1800’s (19 century).
There are multiple levels of championship titles where points are achieved/awarded and then reflected in the dog's registered name i.e. CH, GCH, GCHB, GCHS, GCHG.

MBISS Multi Group Winning Sel Ex GCH CH/Canadian BIM Can CH* ColbyHaus Twas The Night Before Christmas OFA TC
CH Number of Points 18
GCH Number of Points 27
GCHB Number of Points 27
CH GSDStyle ColbyHaus' Countdown to Trouble
CH Number of Points 17
GCH Number of Points 21
DAE CH Colbyhaus Pantagonia Diplomat BCAT TC
CH Number of Points 15

BIS GCHB CH Colbyhaus MarDan’s Flash Dance GSDstyle TKN
POA Number of Points 14
CH Number of Points 15
GCH Number of Points 122
GCHB Number of Points 100
GCHS Number of Points 122
Best Baby Male Puppy 2017 Canadian National Ch Colbyhaus Mardan's Dirty Dancing Gsdstyle
POA Number of Points 14
CH Number of Points 16
GCH Number of Points 7
ColbyHaus' Limited Edition
POA Number of Points 4

GCh ColbyHaus' Dancin' In The Willows IT ROM
CH Number of Points 16
GCH Number of Points 37
GCHB Number of Points 37
CH Colbyhaus Mardan's Let's Dance GSDstyle
POA Number of Points 4
CH Number of Points 15
BrownHill Kysarah's Countdown
CH Number of Points 1
IntCH/NatCh Colbyhaus Destiny is Calling
POA Number of Points 6
IABCA Number of Ratings 6